Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Test 3 - Amount of Work Used

This can be a little gray - but common sense may prevail.
The amount of material used cannot be a "significant" amount. So what is the gray area? It's the definition of significant. Common sense says what?
Is 100% of a work significant?
Is 75% of a work significant?
Is 50% of a work significant?
Is 30% of a work significant?
Is 5 % of a work significant?

If you had to make a generalization, what would you consider significant?

Simpson, C. (2005). Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, fourth edition. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc.


Erica said...

I'm going to go with 75%!

Anonymous said...

I would guess that anything over 50% would be significant. But of course this is just a guess and I would love to know the right answer to this one.

loudlibrarian said...

I would love to know the right answer too. I am completely in the dark.

LibraryGirl said...

Thanks for your guesses! Kara you said anthing over 50% would be considered significant. That is correct. If you used all of a work, you would fail test 3. If you used a majority of the work, you would fail test 3. Basically, the smaller the amount is that you used in comparison to the whole, the better off you'll be for this test.